Monday 6 February 2017

Goals for 2017

Hello all,

For 2017, I had some nail polish goals that I wanted to share with you and hopefully you share some of yours with me too. As a nail polish lover I certainly end up buying multiple nail polishes at a time and I do not always get to trying all of them. We all have our favorites and I find myself with a large number of nail polishes I have yet to use on myself for a full manicure. In fact, I have 764 nail polishes in my collection so far and out of those, there are 333 nail polishes I have not used. I may have used those colors for detail work or on someone else but they still remain an untried in my eyes. I simply think having 333 nail polishes in my collection that have never been tried is way too high of a number so I really want to lessen that number significantly.

One of the ways I hope to do that is actually hold off on buying more nail polishes until the end of April just to focus on what I have and not increase the number any more. Overall, my goal is by the end of April, I want to cut the number of untried shades to about 250. In addition, as the year goes on I do want to continue to use shades but I won't necessarily be on a no buy.

My second goal for 2017 is actually fairly contradictory because I want to do a project polish with a few shades from my collection. If you are not familiar with the concept, a project polish is essentially when you try to finish as many polishes as you want within a certain time frame. I went through my collection and there are a few shades that have been barely hanging on or I have doubles or I just do not care for the formula. So I picked out 4 minis and 7 full sized nail polishes along with a top coat to try and use up by the end of 2017. That may sound like a lot but all the full sized polishes except for one have anywhere from half to a third of the bottle already used up. Overall I think it is a easy task to use them up within the year but again it does conflict with my first goal.

I'm currently not planning on doing any project polish updates here on my blog, I may possibly make a post on my Instagram. However if you are interested in what I am working on feel free to ask me below or if enough people are interested I may do a monthly or bimonthly update.  If you have any goals for 2017 you want to share with me I would love to hear it! Thank you for reading!

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